My Verbal Constipation

Thursday, April 27, 2006

birth of the bohemian beetroot- vol. one of the beetroot sagas.

In the world of the Vegetable Patch... life itself was a sordid game. As sordid as the cheap manure used by the decrepit and debilitated OLD LADY. The Purple Polka Dotted Potato held the undisputed post of "PATCH PRINCESS". Her only competition, the aged Yiddish Yam, a dance of powers conveniently choreographed by that scheming witch. The Giddy Guards (the Gourds) were easily bought over by the all-pervasive WEED(s). No Ladies Finger was safe. The Spry Young Spring Onions grew weak, with their pale green stalks hanging low. The rich Prudish Pumpkins primed up proper for the pie were the only content consumables for they were the favored four of the freakishly fuddy duddy old maid.

It was into this world that that young enigmatic youth... the Brave Bright Burgundy Bohemian Beetroot sprouted his first leaf. Dismayed and distraught by the damage done by the despicable diva, that dastardly geriatric, he took a stand. A stand to uphold the rich, prosperous, colorful tasty, tongue tingling, tradition and history of his horticultural conglomerate.

Thus began the Brutal Battle Between the Bohemian Beetroot and the Bilious Brood of the Veterans Vicious Veggies. Bow down to the Bold Bohemian Beetroot.

(To be continued)

Posted by tanjanali :: 10:52 PM :: 39 Comments:

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