My Verbal Constipation

Monday, April 17, 2006

on haikus and pleasantly disguised unemployment

what i love about haikus is the fact that anyone can write one on anything! as long as certain rules are followed. it need make absolutely no sense, one line need have no relevance to the other, rhyme schemes are an unknown concept! and yet...its poetry! its write up my allie! why look... as i say this im thinking of one! hah! type type finger work
getting thoughts together now
there i have a ku
its brilliant really. its the perfect option for the creatively challenged! read further and you will undestand!

cuddle caress stroke
breathing fast but moving slow.
i love sex dont you

Showerku:the water is cold
it beats my body with haste.
There now i am clean.

tequila ku:lick suck gulp drink fast
getting high dancing about.
tequila god bless.

lurking beastku:
spring is here so smile
water melons drip and bounce.
can lurking beasts smile?

fox ku:fox trots runs away
tally ho and here we go!
giddyup hunts on.

you can just go on and on and on! im loving it! .... i think hai kus are the japs gift to the world. or the disgused"ly" unemployed. (yes thats me the pseudo economist/journalist). i sit in sub zero temperatures. watch the news for 8 hours straight, run around in the blazing summer sun asking ppl to speak into the mike(btw... only real work i do which usually takes up a grand total of half hour)*sigh* im not complaining though. im quite lowing the free food, press conferences and news room gossip.

im back in office.
now a human popsicle.
sniff shiver yes that me.

Posted by tanjanali :: 10:57 PM :: 16 Comments:

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