My Verbal Constipation

Monday, April 17, 2006

and then there was me

yes, i gitanjali raman have finally joined the band wagon. i tried to resist, made excuses, even mocked bloggers... but god dammit im weak. the thought of ranting about things no one is likely to listen to otherwise is just too tempting!

time for confessions now. i have nothing witty to say, no funny anecdotes, nothing novel or creative to write about... in other words, my mind is a creative void. i suffer from what i have termed verbal constipation.

therefore i would like to inform all of you that my blog is dedicated to commenting(nothing negative or critical of course... im quite a nice person in that respect) on the blogs of others. not plagiarising mind you... just posting my thoughts on your thoughts. in other words your blogs will be my creative laxative. and yes i will dedicate my blogs to whomsoever it may concern and give the required acknowledgements.

and thus ends my first blog. thank you for visiting. kindly leave your comments or suggestions in the comment box. have a nice day.

p.s. be nice!

Posted by tanjanali :: 12:28 AM :: 9 Comments:

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