My Verbal Constipation

Friday, April 21, 2006

in response to karthik varma's blog

yes yes i kow i can just post a comment but will not let me do so on varma ji's page. piff... an error which is being processed and they will rectify it shortly.

but i must say... karthik, it could well have been a 40 year old man who might've been quite happy to have fallen on your crotch.

and i dont want to go to the bathroom either. the office is as cold as the poles. various body parts are on the verge of freezing and falling off. the boss's wrath d is not hot enough to increase the temperatures... yet pee i shall not! the bathroom scares me! not that it is unclean, for indeed it is spic and span. but i will not use the bathroom!

dear lord... give me deliverence... or make my bladder strong amen.

Posted by tanjanali :: 3:17 AM :: 31 Comments:

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